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Advertising Terms & Conditions

This agreement is between advertisers on any Echo Box Media Pty Ltd website (You and Your) and Echo Box Media Pty Ltd ACN 147 943 182 (EBM). You agree to advertise Your business (Venue) on an EBM website and EBM agrees to publish your advertisement on its website on the following terms and conditions.

Advertising Rates
1. Quotes are valid for acceptance by You for a period of 14 days after quote is provided to You by EBM.
2. All advertising rates are quoted as GST exclusive.
3. Once a booking form is submitted for a Venue, the advertising campaign and associated fees are exclusively for that Venue and cannot be transferred to another business or Venue.

Content of Advertisement
4. Upon completing the EBM online booking form, EBM will provide a required content breakdown for your Venue advertising.
5. All required content (both written content and imagery) is to be provided by the Venue (Content).
6. You are responsible for Your Content. You represent and warrant that You own all of the rights of Your Content and that You assume all risks associated with Your Content.
7. Content, as outlined in our required breakdown email must be sent through within 28 days of the booking form being completed. If Content is not received within this period the booking form and the rates quoted will become void, any monies paid forfeited and the agreement will be at an end.
8. In the event a new booking form is required the advertising rate for the new form will be the current and applicable rate for the Venue at the time the new booking form is provided to EBM.

Booking Forms
9. If a booking form is submitted, the IP address is recorded. If a dispute occurs the IP address will be tracked and if found to be at a place of business the business will be held liable for the advertising fees.
10. The person that submits the booking form warrants that they are either the business owner or have gained authority from the business owner to submit the advertising agreement on their behalf.
11. The company named on the booking form will be liable for the advertising fees committed to on the booking form.
12. If You or the Venue disputes the authority of the person submitting the booking form and can provide evidence that that person did not have authority, the person whose details are shown on the booking form will be personally liable for the advertising costs.

13. EBM offer 2 payment options, either credit card or EFT (bank transfer) via issued invoice.
14. Cheque & cash payment will not be accepted.
15. EBM will provide a valid tax invoice on all types of valid payments.
16. Credit card terms will be displayed within the online booking form.
17. EBM has a strict no refunds policy, unless EBM is at fault when invoicing or processing credit card payments no refund will be provided.
18. If a credit card is dishonoured any credit card discount previously offered by EBM will be void.

Commencement Date for Advertising
19. The advertising campaign will commence on the date that the Venue listing is published on the EBM website.
20. Prior to publication of the Venue Listing, the EBM content team will provide a link to the advertisement via email for approval.
21. Once approval has been received by You the Venue advertising will be published on the EBM website.

22. EBM will provide an annual report on the performance of Your listing/s outlining direct enquiries, unique page views, phone and email requests and clicks through to the Venue website.
23. The Venue may request 1 additional report during the term of the advertising campaign.
24. Any further additional reports requested by the Venue will incur an additional $50 + GST fee.

25. The renewal date is either 6 or 12 months (depending on the length of advertising You initially opted for) from the date of which the advertisement was published on the EBM website (Renewal Date), not from when payment was received.
26. EBM will provide a campaign report and renewal options with ongoing pricing options 2-3 weeks prior to the advertising completion date.
27. This agreement will automatically renew on the Renewal Date on the same terms as the original agreement save for the advertising rate unless advised by You no less than 7 days prior to the Renewal Date.
28. EBM will make reasonable efforts to obtain feedback from You regarding renewal however the onus lies with You the venue to notify EBM of any advertising cancelation.
29. The advertising rate applicable to any renewal is the current EBM advertising rate at the time of renewal as applicable to Your Venue
30. The renewed agreement will be for the same length of time as the previous agreement between You and EBM.
31. EBM does not guarantee renewal for all Venues. If your Venue is not to be renewed EBM will provide one months notice prior to the renewal date. Reasons for non renewal include, but are not limited to, substandard or incomplete content provided by the Venue, lack or delay of response to EBM enquiries by You or the Venue, Venue closure, outstanding invoices, an lack of ease of payment process.
32. A one week (7 day) grace period will be applied to the campaign after the Renewal Date. After this time if payment has not been received the Venue’s advertisement will be taken down from the EBM website.

Suspension/Cancellation of listings
33. A venue can at any time suspend their campaign due to short term closure or renovation works for a period up to 3 months however this suspension is at the absolute discretion of EBM.
34. If suspension is granted by EBM, The Venue’s advertisement will be suspended until the earlier of the Venue advising that the works have been completed or 3 months from the date of grant of suspension.
35. A credit may be applied as the discretion of EBM, but will only be valid for a 6 month period.
36. Venues can cancel their campaign and have their content removed at any time however no refund will be provided by EBM.

37. Any details, statistics and/or information shared by EBM and You and/or your representatives is confidential information and You agree not to discuss, publish or provide in any way this confidential information to any other person or business.

EBM Intellectual Property
38. EBM is the sole and exclusive copyright owner of the Hidden City Secrets website and also exclusively owns the copyright, trademarks, logos, trade names and other intellectual property rights (collectively the IP Rights). associated with all and any EBM website
39. You acknowledge and agree that EBM’s IP rights constitute valuable intellectual property for EBM and that You will not breach EBM’s IP Rights at any time or for any purpose.
40. You acknowledge and agree that damages alone may not constitute full compensate for a breach of EBM’s IP Rights

EBM License to use Your Content
41. By submitting Your Content to EBM you hereby irrevocably grant EBM a perpetual irrevocable, non-exclusive, fully paid and royalty free, assignable and transferable license to use Your Content and all IP Rights contained in Your Content.
42. You agree to provide Content that does not breach any parties intellectual property rights.
43. In the event that a third party’s intellectual property rights are, or appear to be at the full discretion of EBM, breached by You, You agree to fully and wholly indemnify EBM for all costs, including for all legal (on a full indemnity basis) and third party costs.

44. Any notice required under this agreement should be provided to EBM by email at: info@echoboxmedia.com.au

General Terms
45. EBM may vary these terms from time to time and EBM reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms without notice.
46. EBM does not provide any guarantee in relation to the benefits of advertising through the EBM website.
47. Further, EBM provides no guarantee of return on investment.
48. Any statistics provided to You are correct at the time of proposal and may vary from time to time



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